
5 Ways to Build a Winning Demand Generation Strategy in 2024

Demand generation is a crucial aspect of any business’s growth strategy. It involves creating awareness and interest in your products […]

Demand generation is a crucial aspect of any business’s growth strategy. It involves creating awareness and interest in your products or services, guiding prospects through the buyer’s journey, and nurturing leads into loyal customers. 

You must use the right tactics and channels to build a winning demand-generation strategy. According to Nate Skinner, an expert in the field, the top tactics currently include SEO, email, direct mail, review science, and content marketing. Here’s a guide to leveraging these tactics effectively.

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Demand generation vs Lead generation

AspectDemand GenerationLead Generation
DefinitionFocuses on creating awareness and interest in products/services.Focuses on capturing contact information of potential customers.
GoalGenerate interest across the entire market and build brand awareness.Capture qualified leads for immediate sales or nurturing.
Target AudienceA broader audience, including those unaware of the product/service.A more specific audience that has shown interest or intent to buy.
Primary ActivitiesContent marketing, SEO, webinars, events, social media, PR.Landing pages, gated content, forms, and email opt-ins.
Stage in Sales FunnelTop-of-the-funnel (Awareness stage).Middle-to-bottom of the funnel (Consideration and Decision stages).
Measurement of SuccessEngagement metrics (website traffic, brand mentions, social shares).Lead volume, conversion rates, and qualified leads.
Time HorizonLong-term strategy to build brand recognition.Short-term strategy to drive immediate actions and conversions.
Content-TypeBlogs, educational webinars, videos, and industry reports.Gated content like eBooks, whitepapers, and product demos.
Sales InvolvementLess direct involvement, more about brand perception and education.Close alignment with sales; the intent is to hand off qualified leads.
Lead Information CollectionTypically, it does not require capturing contact information upfront.Requires contact information, usually via form submissions.

1. Focus on Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Content marketing is the foundation of demand generation. It helps create valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage potential customers. Effective content supports the entire buyer’s journey, ensuring that prospects are nurtured from awareness to conversion.

Types of Content Marketing:

  • Blog Posts: Provide solutions and insights about your audience’s pain points.
  • Webinars: Educate potential customers while building authority.
  • White Papers: Offer in-depth knowledge that helps prospects in the decision-making process.
  • Video Tutorials: Showcase how your product or service works in real time.
  • Case Studies: Show real-world examples of how your solutions have helped others.

Advanced Strategies:

  • Content Syndication: Share your original content with third-party websites to expand reach.
  • Repurposing Content: Transform long-form content like blogs into infographics or slide decks to attract different audience segments.
  • Industry News: Stay updated on the latest trends and publish original insights, establishing your authority in the market.

2. Put Email to Work

Put Email to Work

Email marketing continues to be a highly effective demand-generation channel. With an appropriately crafted strategy, email can nurture prospects, drive engagement, and convert leads into customers.

Tactics to Use Email Effectively:

  • Personalization: Customize emails based on user behavior to make them relevant and engaging.
  • A/B Testing: Test subject lines, content placement, images, and colors to optimize email performance.
  • Referrals: Encourage users to refer your services to others by offering incentives such as discounts or gift vouchers.
  • Courses & Tutorials: Use drip campaigns to send educational content to prospects who show interest in your services.
  • Newsletters: Provide valuable insights or industry trends in exchange for building an email list of prospects.

3. Integrate SEO into Your Demand Strategy

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is often overlooked in demand generation planning, but it is critical in driving organic traffic throughout the buyer’s journey. Organic search results provide visibility to potential customers who may not even know your product.

How to Integrate SEO:

  • Keyword Research: Involve SEO experts in your demand generation process. They can help identify target keywords for new product or service launches.
  • Content Optimization: Ensure that landing pages, blogs, and product pages are optimized for search engines to rank higher and drive traffic.
  • Structured Data: Use structured data to help search engines better understand your website, increasing the chances of ranking in rich snippets or featured results.

4. Don’t Be Afraid of Direct Mail

Direct mail is a valuable outbound tactic in demand generation, even in the digital age. It provides a tangible, personal touch that stands out in a world dominated by digital communication.

Benefits of Direct Mail:

  • High Response Rates: Direct mail has an average response rate of 4.4%, significantly higher than the 0.12% email response rate.
  • Personalization: Tailored direct mail can leave a lasting impression, especially when integrated with digital tactics such as email follow-ups.
  • Balanced Approach: Use a combination of inbound and outbound strategies for a well-rounded demand generation approach.

5. Leverage Review Sites

Review sites are essential in demand generation, especially for B2B buyers. Demand Gen Report’s B2B Buyers Survey shows that 65% of buyers consider reviews highly important when evaluating service providers.

How to Use Review Sites:

  • Utilize Testimonials: Showcase positive reviews from trusted platforms like G2 Crowd, TrustRadius, or GetApp on your website as social proof.
  • Incorporate Reviews in Marketing: Highlight reviews in email campaigns or as part of your content marketing to demonstrate your credibility.
  • Respond to Reviews: Use positive and negative reviews to build trust and show that you value customer feedback.

The Epic Story of Dropbox and Referrals (Demand Generation Strategy examples)

A great example of demand generation through referrals is Dropbox. Dropbox achieved remarkable growth by offering extra storage space to users who referred friends, acquiring 4 million users in just 15 months. This simple yet effective tactic showcases the power of a well-executed referral program in creating demand and building a loyal customer base.

Keeping Up with Demand Generation

If you already have a demand generation strategy, evaluate whether you use these essential tactics: content marketing, email campaigns, community engagement, social media, paid advertising, and more. Ensure your efforts are customer-centric, supporting the buyer’s journey and unifying sales and marketing teams.

As demand generation continues to evolve with trends like account-based marketing (ABM), artificial intelligence (AI), and influencer strategies, staying ahead of the curve will help you drive revenue and foster long-term success.

Final Thoughts

Building a winning demand generation strategy requires a balanced mix of inbound and outbound tactics and a customer-centric approach. By focusing on content marketing, email, SEO, direct mail, and review sites, you can create a comprehensive plan that nurtures prospects and converts them into loyal customers.

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Yahya Ashiq

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